1.) It’s always super exciting news when someone gets engaged. However and whenever you decide to spread the news, just make sure you do! Whether it is a formal announcement in mail or social media post, let your world share in your excitement! Keep in mind telling your families first should always be your first move.

Photo: We Love Typography
2.) As soon as your friends and family know about your engagement, they will almost always want to know when you are getting married. You can give them a little teaser like the time of year you have decided to focus on. But your planning should begin fairly soon after being engaged, especially if you have agreed on a season.

Photo: OneLove Photography
DETERMINE YOUR BUDGET…a realistic one.
3.) Do your homework on this one. You should know from the beginning what you will have to spend and if you will be having any help form family members. You don’t want take into consideration a wedding that will not fit within your budget. There are plenty of wedding websites out there that can help you calculate your wedding costs based on your location and your ideal budget. If you hire a wedding planner one of the first services you will experience is a realistic cost for your wedding once all details and inspirations and budget are taken into consideration.

Photo Unknown
4.) I always like to tell my clients to create a Pinterest board even if it’s a secret one at that, You don’t need to many “cooks in the kitchen” with all the unwanted input you could get from those that follow you. A private board is always the way to go. This will also help both of you determine what your wedding will ultimately look like. Invite your wedding planner (if you have one) to the board. They will need access to your board to understand your wedding day visions.

Photo Green Wedding Shoes
5.) Registering for gifts is always fun. It’s a sure way to get the items you want. If you choose a honeymoon fund, this is great way to help alleviate the cost of your trip and will allow you to really be present and enjoy the trip together.

Photo Wiliam Sonoma
Don’t forget to contact your insurance agent for coverage should your ring get lost, stolen or damaged. Your jeweler will give you certified appraisal at the time you are buying the ring. Make sure you have a clear understanding of coverages and deductibles etc. Better to be safe than sorry.

Photo Tiffanys